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Showing results 1 to 20 of 477  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019About a concept of crimes of the sphere of economic activityBaikenzhina, K.А.; Filin, V.V.
2023Actual problems of translation of literary textsМусина Н.
2019Agrotourism as an alternative to the socio-economic development of rural territoriesMataeva, B.T.; Zhuspekova, A.K.; Zambinova, G.K.; Ibraeva, A.R.; Zhetpisbaeva, M.K.
2017Alliance of government and private businessNazarov, Y.Zh.; Musaeva, E.A.; Talimova, G.U.
2017Analysis and assessment of Kazakhstan’s social infrastructure developmentSpanova, B.K.
2018Analysis and Forecast of Prices of the Housing MarketYemelina, Natalya; Omarova, Ainura; Kurmanalina, Anara
2017Analysis and modeling of indicators of sustainable development of regions in the Republic of KazakhstanYemelina, N.K.; Assanova, M.A.; Sitenko, D.A.
2019Analysis of Investment Factors of the Economic Mechanism of Reindustrialization in the Republic of KazakhstanTalimova, L. A.; Kasymova, Sh.; Zambinova, G. K.; Moldakhmetov, R. K.
2022“Case study” method in teaching english as a foreign language in non-linguistic universityБазарбаева Л.
2021Communicative approach of the educational process in foreign and russianlanguagesНуркеева Б. A.
2022Comparative analysis of the model of polyculturality in the sphere of education in the eu and the rkМукушева Г.
2023Creative tips for boosted english vocabularyМукушева Г.
2019Criminological Characteristics of Drug Addiction in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Basic Concepts, Signs and General Approaches to Their Assessment.Fetkulov, A. K.
2019Criminological Characteristics of Drug Addiction in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Basic Concepts, Signs and General Approaches to Their AssessmentFetkulov, A. K.; Karzhasova, G. B.; Nurpeisova, A. K.; Kopbulov, R. A.; Baikenzhina, K. A.; Khanov, T. A.
2019Cотқa дейiнгi тергеп-текcеру бaрыcындaғы мүлiкке тыйым caлу процеccуaлдық әрекетiнiң тәртiбi мен ерекшеліктеріҚаржасова, Г.Б.; Балгимбеков, Д.У.; Байкенжина, К.А.
2019Development tendencies of heat and energyresources: evidence of kazakhstanTyo, Alexsandr; Jazykbayeva, Baldyrgan; Ten, Tatyana; Kogay, Galina; Spanova, Bakhyt
2020Digitalization processes in public administration: foreign experienceZhidkoblinova, O.V.
2018Dуvelopment of the sphere of tourism on the basis Of innovative marketing technologiesБугубаева Р.О., Беспаева Р.С
2019Ecipткi жәнe пcиxoтpoптық зaттapдың зaңcыз aйнaлымымeн бaйлaныcты қылмыcтapҚapжacoвa, Г.Б.; Фeткyлoв, A.Х.; Opынбeкoв, A.С.